Manx Family Names
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Manx Family Names

If you are male and possess one of the following Manx family names*, and you know that your family comes from or originally came from the Isle of Man - then you are eligible to take part in this study. These are family names that are recorded in the earliest surviving Manx land and parish records from the 15th and 16th centuries and still exist in some recognisable form today. Thus we can also say that these male family lines were present and living on the Isle of Man at least in the 13th and 14th centuries and that it was very probable that their hereditary family names were formed and adopted on the Island also during this period.

Bell Boyde Brew Brid(e)son Cain(e) Caley Callin Callister Callow Cannell Cannon Carran Carine Carroon Casement Cashen/in Caveen Christian Clague Clarke Cleator Clucas Cojeen Colquitt Collister Condra Comish Coole/Cooil Corjeag/Cavendish Corkan Corkill Corkish Corlett Cormode Corrin Corris Corteen Costain Cottier Cowell Cowin Cowle Cowley Craine Crebbin Creer Cregeen Crennell Crellin Cretney Cringle/all Crowe Cubbon Curphey Duke Far(a)gher Fayle Gale Garrett Gawne Gell Gelling Gill Gorry Halsal(l) Hampton Harrison Hogg Howland Joughin Kaighin Kaneen Karran Kaye/Kee Kegg Keggin Keig Kell(e)y Kennaugh Kennish/Kinnish Keown Kermeen Kermode Kerruish Kewin Kewish Kewley Killey Killip Kinley Kinrade Kinvig Kissack Kneal(e) Kneen Lace Leece Lewin Looney Lowey Maddrell Martin Moore Morrison Moughtin/ton Mylchreest Mylchraine Mylrea Mylroi/e Nelson Oat(e)s Quaggan/in Qualtrough Quaye Quayle Quilliam Quilleash Quine Quinney Quark Quirk Radcliffe Sayle Scarffe Shimmin Skelly Skillicorn Stephen Stowell Taggart Tear(e) Vondy Watterson, Wattleworth

Men possessing any of the following Manx names are still needed to be tested:-  

Boyd(e), Cannan, Carine, Carroon, Cojeen, Corjeag/Cavendish, Corteen,  Kewish, Martin, Mylechraine, Quaggan/in, Quaye, Quilleash, Quark, Skillicorn and Vondy

Free tests may be available to men with these family names   - all on a first come, first served, basis and subject to the provision of appropriate genealogy -  contact Robert Cannell

If you wish to take part please go here

* The list of Manx names above is hopefully definitive but if you possess a Manx family name that is not included, and I have missed it, then please let me know. Robert Cannell.


If you have any questions about this site please contact Robert Cannell Copyright John A Creer 2010-2025